Davide Sangiorgio
Founding partner
Lawyer in Milan, he is qualified to plead before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation and all the High Courts in Italy.
Academic activity:
Since the beginning of his professional activity as a lawyer Davide has dedicated himself both to academic and juridical research activity.
Since 1994, he has cooperated as Lecturer with the faculties of Criminal Law of Professor Giorgio Marinucci and Professor Emilio Dolcini at “Università degli Studi di Milano” in Milan in teaching and scientific activity.
He is a Lecturer (Professor on contract) of Corporate Criminal Law in the University Master’s Degree Course in Corporate Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Milan.
He has also been a Lecturer (Professor on contract) at the School for Specialization in Criminal Law at the University of Brescia as well as a Lecturer at the School of Criminal Defense (“Scuola della Difesa Penale”) of the “Camera Penale” (Criminal Chamber) and of the “Ordine degli Avvocati” (Order of Lawyers) in Milan.
As a lecturer, he regularly participates to conferences organised by the most qualified institutions or associations in this field, invited as expert and lawyer in criminal law of economics.
He is author of various publications related to general provisions of criminal law and procedural criminal law and he has also published a juridical monography on Criminal Industrial Law.
He also authored comments in criminal law commentaries (Marinucci-Dolcini: Commentary to the Criminal Code) and is author of several comments related to criminal law issues on the most important national economic newspapers (mainly on “Sole 24 Ore”) and on juridical reviews.
Professional activity as lawyer:
He has always dealt exclusively with criminal law issues, particularly “white collars crimes” and corporate criminal law, practice areas in which he has always performed as a Lawyer, participating in some trials of major importance and interest in Italy and representing both individuals and corporations particularly in the following areas:
- Corporate Criminal Liability and Crimes under Legislative Decree n. 231/2001;
- Market Manipulation, Insider trading and other offences related to Italian TUF;
- Criminal Offences related to Italian TUB (Bank Unified Code) and usury;
- Criminal Offences against the Public Administration;
- International Bribery and Frauds;
- Distress, insolvency and bankruptcy Criminal Law;
- Tax Criminal Law;
- Environmental Criminal Law;
- Labour Criminal Law;
- Criminal Law of Intellectual Property;
- Criminal liability for negligence (disasters, shipwrecks, plane crashes, medical and professional fault).
In these fields, he also performs extra-judicial legal assistance in Italy and abroad, both for corporations and individuals, dealing regularly with foreign lawyers, counsels and consultants.
Davide is fluent in English and he also speaks French.